Monday, December 1, 2008

DLmail 12/01/2008 τριάντα τρία

I think I was in my early forties when I stopped believing in Bigfoot. I managed to put that fear away (put it in a mental lockbox with the terror filled thoughts of the childcatcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and the monkeys from the Wizard of Oz, then threw the imaginary key away). Then along comes this dude from the Treehouse. I hadn't thought of Sasquatch at all last Saturday until Mr. Messin plops down to listen to Rogy. Dang I have issues.

Now I couldn't concentrate much on what Rick was saying, but at some point he pulled out the drama team and recaptured my attention along with a roomful of eager listeners. It is the most wonderful time of the year. These kids just love the Christmas season and we have some incredibly talented Discoveryland graduates available to help Mr. Rick deliver some of the Christmas message. Rick did a great job with the teaching for the second week in a row. Keith Lindgren is back on the scene in his role as Factory programmer/worship guy and worked the crowd like few guys from Henry can.

This coming Saturday we will continue the "What If" series with What if Christmas was all about presents? Our memory verse is "This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world." 1 John 4:9. Our Bible story is the Birth of Jesus, Luke 2:1-20. Click here for the small group leader material. Click here if you missed Cal's mainstage message and want to catch it. Pray for all these kids so that they will understand the actual meaning of Christmas. Pray for more gifted leaders to step up to serve with us (we are just three for this coming weekend until I find someone who will join us).

τριάντα τρία wonder what this means I suppose. Jesus lived to be τριάντα τρία...yes, that is Greek for thirty three...pat yourself on the back if you already knew that. Now, go get a life if you are such a GrEEK scholar that you knew the Greek words for 33. Anywho, it is well known by me that Kevin Stewart really admires Jesus, loves Him as a matter of fact, and is now τριάντα τρία (33), just like Jesus was. Happy belated XXXIIIrd birthday Kevin, you are greatly appreciated young"not-so-much-anymore" man.

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