Sunday, November 1, 2009

That dress up "holiday"

Some sights from Halloween, minus pics of Erin with Abby and Josh with Mason. Missed that opportunity with the camera.

What we do have is pre-Halloween Erin with Rachel and Maggie (Rachel with the bloody ear). Josh (the chick magnet) with Erin (the candy corn witch).

Erin planned all along to trick or treat with Abby. Josh planned on not doing it again this year, but the allure of some fun wandering around town with a friend in the dark while being given candy for free was too much. So he donned the extremely simple costume and had a great time. Pam diligently inspected the candy for safety (and to take her cut...her words).

In hindsight we are glad it is over. Not the favorite "holiday."

1 comment:

Angie @ KEEP BELIEVING said...

I have Boo Humbug attitude for Halloween as well.

Whose very clever idea was the chick magnet? Love it.

My niece was the Candy Corn Witch, too. Very adorable for a preteen girl.