Wednesday, November 11, 2009

DLmail 11/11/2009 good old days

Last Saturday was kind of like the good old days. Normal number of kids. Solid lesson taught by Rogy. Kids really clicking during the small group time. A really nice Saturday night.

We were an all male team of leaders with Monica still out and Pam staying home to tend to our Erin (who showed signs of getting sick, but seems to have simply had a missed school, no fever). We'll hopefully see Pam back this weekend, but we'll lose Kevin and Tim. Kevin landed DL hall of famer Brian Cooper to sub and Zach Van B should be back on the horse in Tim's place. Em and I will round out the leaders and everything should be cool.

Our lesson (for small group info click here) will be titled Go & Tell. The Bible story is Jesus' Life, Death and Resurrection, 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 and Acts 2:1-41. Our series memory verse remains the same, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." Matthew 22:37. This weeks memory verse is one of my all time favorites (of course I like to add verse 10 as well), "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is a gift of God." Ephesians 2:8-9. The bottom line...we can make a difference in people's lives by sharing the message of Jesus. Prepare well by opening your Bible and praying. God has already decided there are things that we should be doing. I kind of think serving is high on the to do list. If you needed to hear Jeff Schwarzentraub's message from last weekend again, here it is.

How exciting it was to see all the responses to last week's one item quiz. What a bunch of car buffs we have. We had a winner not long after I posted the DLmail. Congratulations Emory III. You were right, and with your first thought. SAAB. The car often thought of as about the size of a large boulder. Coming in a close second was gymnast Tim Thorson, Hog fan Sammy Waller was third, and in fourth place was newcomer Ray Detwiler of Texas. I don't know Ray, but he registered an enthusiastic answer in the comments section, and boy I appreciate that. Welcome Ray. I assume you made a total wrong turn on the vast information highway and ended up here, but I am glad you did. Welcome. You seem to be a really fine photographer (especially the car shots, nice depth). You also know your brand symbols, gotta admire that. How are you with sports stars from the past?

Who knows these young men?

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