Tuesday, February 17, 2009

DLmail 2/17/2009 MIA

Missed Discoveryland last Saturday night. Slim chance anyone noticed me not being there, but I felt guilty. On the plus side, Pam and I went somewhere on Valentine's Day for the first time in at least 10 years. Don't feel guilty about that anymore. Yes, we traveled all the way to Bethel Baptist Church in Galesburg in the Allison's 15 passenger family truckster. It was quite romantic in there with the other 8 people traveling with us. Let me just say, the windows were fogged up.

Upon arrival we saw many, many Northwoodsians. Everyone (pretty much) enjoyed Tim Hawkins. He entertained for an hour and forty minutes non-stop. If you have never seen or heard of him, click on the links that follow. He is probably considered "edgy" by some as he explores religion, family, home-schoolers, kids, music and entire populations of certain states. We waited in line to meet him after the concert. While we waited we asked Tim (Hawkins) to take a pic of some of us Nwoodsers. He did alright. I cropped myself out of the pic as well as I cut off some of Steve Kastelein's head (ticks me off that he gets to be that tall, so I shortened him a bit). Tim was gracious in conversation with Pam and me. He mentioned in his concert that his wife had breast cancer and treatment in 07 (at age 40ish). So we had a little in common and talked briefly. After us, the awkwardly tall twosome of Steve and Rick Bryne did the ole "count to three and take our picture with Tim" routine. Of course on three they both turn and kiss the center person (I have been in that position...gross). It was all good.
I can't give a great report on DL, although I have debriefed both Kevin Stewart and Zach VanBuren. It sounds as though it went...long. Don't worry, Cal only turns 50 once. Thanks Kevin, Monica, Tim and Zach. Did anyone point out that Monica had a birthday this past weekend also? She is roughly half of Cal's age (argh). Hope all ya'll sang at her. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONICA!

This weekend we'll wrap up the virtue of Fairness, making sure that everyone is treated respectfully. Small group info is here. Our memory verse is Proverbs 31:9 "Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." The Bible story is Jesus' last orders to the disciples (Matt. 28:8-10, 16-20, Acts 1:7-11). The bottom line...show God's love to everyone because He wants everyone to know Him. The birthday boy delivered #3 of the series Victorious Secret. Listen to it by clicking here.

Thanks for wading through this Youtube link laden, photo filled DLmail. As I close I realize that I could put even more pictures on here, so...here, some retro pics from room G. Notice Steve Wilmert laying on our stage, near our audio/visual equipment. My we have come a long way.

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