Tuesday, February 10, 2009

DLmail 2/10/2009 Stealing Thunder

Three out of the last seven days I have awaken in the dark of early morning and had no clue what day it was. Each day I struggled to find my watch to find out. I say this only because I don't want anyone to overexpect regarding this post. I am losing it.

Last Saturday we welcomed about 36 4th/5th graders into the Factory. Not huge, but solid. We had tech help (thanks Doug) and Caleb White served in Kevin's place and did a fantastic job. He even helped out on stage as Keith taught. And Keith did a fine job of teaching AND leading worship I must say. Monica is simply born to lead and Tim came in and conquered our rather energetic 4th grade boys. The only lowlight was the incredibly ugly bit of over acting by one of our leaders who was pegged to be beaten by a pack of marauding Bible thugs (two of the thugs pictured below). How sad that was.

Fairness contines to be the virtue we are studying. I must admit, I like fairness as a month long topic far better than resourcefulness. Just my opinion. Anyway, we'll continue on this weekend with it. Actually, you all will continue on (meaning Kevin & Monica, Tim and Zach) without me. If things go as planned, Pam and I will be trekking to Galesburg to see Tim Hawkins in concert. Take a close look at our tickets. They are numbers 1 & 2. I imagine we will receive special recognition at the concert for being the first two to buy the tickets. I expect flowers or something, maybe a certificate of acheivement. Something special for sure. While I am being praised for my acheivement in Galesburg, you will be leading the kids with material accessed by clicking here. The lesson is Get Up and Go. The memory verse is Proverbs 31:9 "Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." The Bible story is Acts 9:1-20, Saul becomes a believer. The bottom line is this (and this is a good one)...Treat everyone fairly - even your enemies. Gulp. Cal continued the Victorious Secret mainstage series last weekend with #2, click here to hear it.

Last week I wrote an epic DLmail about losing some drugs. I went on and on and to those who have actually admitted to reading the entire thing, I feel obligated to somehow replace that 10 minutes of life they wasted reading it. Just don't know how to do it. But if you stayed with me this week, the payoff is sweet with the video below. It is a rough original cut edition (I don't own any software that will let me edit a .mov file...yet). Watch as I follow Dr. Monica as she takes a little walk to do a little talk in the Treehouse. Watch as Pam and Susan react (poor Carly didn't know what to say). As far as the Ricks reacting, well, we're idiots, what would you expect? More to come on this one.

Use of this video was authorized by Kevin.

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