Tuesday, November 25, 2008

DLmail 11/25/2008 thumb up

I planned on four of us serving last Saturday night. I figured we would be cool, even though we had no staffers around. Keith, Jeannine and Rachel were off to Willow and I think Gary was missing as well. Susan took the leadership reins and bounced between the Treehouse and the Factory. Rick Rogy, uber qualified teacher, battled the audio/visual board without a tech volunteer as he prepared himself to present the lesson. I started noticing that a lot of kids were arriving early. Too many. I was just about to set up a card table and start charging a cover (I figured it would keep some kids out and our numbers managable and/or get me some extra Christmas shopping money) when help arrived. Zach Van Buren arrived to save the day. I had forgotten Zach was scheduled, but was so relieved to have him. So Kevin, Monica, Tim and Zach handled the 46 kids that came Saturday. It was a good night, although we really need more adults serving. There is a prayer request.

Kevin and Monica's groups finished their Operation Christmas Child boxes and delivered them. Zach and Tim had their groups completely under control and engaged. 55 (or more) 2nd-3rd graders came in for teach time, putting us over the 100 mark for Rick's teaching. Here is Rick giving the "thumb" up. What you can't see, and what I wanted a pic of was his left thumb. He injured it playing football earlier that afternoon and it was swollen to at least twice the size of his right thumb. Rick wins the award for the most swollen thumb/hand in the Factory Saturday.

This Saturday Tim will be back to join the Stewarts and me as we begin our lessons about Christmas. The lesson is titled "What if God didn't send an Angel?" Click here for the material. The memory verse is "This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world." 1 John 4:9. Our Bible story is "Joseph heard the Good News," Matthew 1:16-24; 2:1-15; Luke 1:26-38; 2:1-20. Be in prayer this week as you prepare and read these Scriptures. Pray for the kids who are coming and the leaders who give up their time to serve. This week especially I am thankful for you all for serving. I don't know what I would do without you and this ministry. I have much to be thankful for. For Cal Rychener's mainstage message "Be the one to say Thanks," click here. Uh, "Thanks."

Have a safe Thanksgiving. Remember, you need to roast your turkey to at least 100 degrees before you eat it. You also want to cook your stuffing in the bird. The giblets can be eaten raw of course, but you already knew that. I have a couple of friends who are county and state policemen and they say they generally allow drivers to travel up to 25mph over the limit during the holidays. Keep that in mind and set your cruise control at 24 over the limit or less. You also don't actually have to wear a seat belt on Thanksgiving day, the day before and the day after. I am not sure why, but as a rule you are better off flying loosely through the windshield anyway if you hit something. Be sure to rehash this years exciting political season as you finish dinner with rarely seen relatives. Have plenty of alcohol available to counter the effects of the tryptophan in the turkey. But above all, be safe.

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