Tuesday, November 25, 2008
DLmail 11/25/2008 thumb up

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
DLmail 11/19/2008 Shortest DLmail Ever
For this weekends lesson material, click here. For Bill Allison's excellent mainstage message, click here. Pray for our ministry. Pray for other leaders to step up, specifically a woman who will commit to each Saturday. Read the following Bible story Exodus 23:14-19 (choose NIV).
As a bonus, here is the Reconsilosec video Bill used.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
DLmail 11/11/2008 Kevin and Jewish Customs
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Most Impressive Gathering
Yes, the Youth For Christ 2008 Annual Fundraising Luncheon, R & P table #17 at Weaver Ridge Golf Club, was a highlight of my year. Thanks go to Adam & Janette Ackerman, Gary Webb, Debbie Jackson, Brian Schwammlein, and Sonya & Sammy Waller for making it such a special event. Special thanks to Adam for not sporting facial hair for the event. It is tough for me being around Northwoods guys with their facial hair and Adam's support of my smooth chin look means so much. (Click on the YFC link above to see pics of everyone leaving for NYC last night. Don't start missing them just yet, they'll be back home tomorrow afternoon.)
Now a question...was it President Bush or President elect Obama that got the oil companies to lower the price of gas to less than $2 a gallon? I saw it with my own eyes this morning. I honestly never thought I would see a gallon of gas go for less than $2 ever again. Whoever it was, I hope he gets a chance to talk to the Rave theater about how much they charge for popcorn and sodas pretty soon.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
DLmail 11/04/2008 Night at the Hollister
Don helped Kevin put a face to gratitude. Our story of the lepers (Kevin couldn't find a leper so he asked Don to come...ouch...but Don seemed to take no offense) who were healed showed how so few of us show our gratitude as we should (only one of 10 lepers thanked Jesus for healing him). It is so easy to take for granted how blessed we are and we don't thank those who make us so comfortable. Below is a little clip of Don's discussion of his adventure that is stage IV brain cancer that began almost a year ago and how he is able to show gratitude through it.
Like I mentioned, Kevin Elder did a great job with the teaching and Kevin, Monica and Zach Van B lead the kids very well. They even got a little stage time during the grateful game. Thanks for serving guys. We had another night of kids numbering in the mid 20's. I sense that number is about to climb and when it does we are going to need some help. And some might be coming in the form of Steve Scheuer, a veteran Wednesday night leader who might be heading our way. He will be way welcomed. But I still have some concerns. Here is the list of Saturday night leaders (full time and rotational): Kevin, Rick, Tim, Zach, Steve and Monica. Notice anything? Yes, we need some feminine help. I am totally against scientists cloning stuff (think Dolly the sheep), but I might soften to it if they would consider fast tracking Monica to the front of the line ahead of the cows, dogs, cats, whatever. It would be awesome (and a little creepy) to have two or three Monica's serving with us. Since that is unlikely to happen, join me in prayer that some gifted woman (women) will be called to serve with us.
This weekend we will be shorthanded for sure. Kevin and Monica are off on a business trip to Ohio. We pray they have safe travels. Please Kevin, bring Monica back safely. Serving this weekend will be myself, Tim, Zach and at least one woman, nameless for now. We will continue our study of the virtue Gratitude (letting others know you see how they've helped you). Our Memory verse is "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever." 1 Chronicles 16:34. Our Bible story is List Maker (Paul lists those he's thankful for) from Romans 16:1-19. The bottom line, take time to remember how others have helped you. Click here to download the material. Spend time in Bible study and prayer this week. Pray for these kids we serve and those we serve with. While I have you praying, join me in prayer for these people, Don Bowen, Randy Shafer and Lexi Helfrich. Thanks.
Well, we officially kicked off Operation Christmas Child last Saturday night. Do encourage your small group kids to make a box with their families. It is a great experience. Last weekend we showed a video clip of Cal in Kenya, delivering the actual boxes to the kids. If you missed it, click here to watch. This is a very real way to reach kids around the world. Doing a box with your small group is great also. Here is Cal's mainstage message.
Finally, Hollister. I pretty much shop at Dick's, Gander Mountain and Kroger. Last night I experienced Hollister for the first time in my life. My wife had recently purchased a shirt for our son there and they neglected to remove the security device. I guess it was defective and it didn't sound the alarm when she left. So it has been waiting for a return trip to the mall to have it removed and allow for it to be worn. Josh and I carried out the mission. I entered and immediately felt as though I had just walked into the Roxbury. My head started jerking. I felt like I had been transported back to a bar...club...20 years ago in Macomb and I was struggling to find my date (Pam) who had wandered off to dance with a group of her girlfriends because her date (me) doesn't really dance, except for some awkward head jerking moves. I got control and looked for the nearest clerk for help who thankfully was right by the door. My words, "My wife bought this and the security tag wasn't removed." His words, "Didn't the alarm go off when she left?" My words, "I guess not. Did the alarm go off when I just walked in?" He looked puzzled. Understand this conversation is happening through a series of shouts with both our heads tilted too close to one another due to the volume of the music. After a moment of quiet contemplation, his words "Do you want me to take it off?" My words, "Yeah." Thus ends another exciting adventure in the life of Rick Lingenfelter.
Today I am happy for two things, halloween (my least favorite holiday) is over and tomorrow the election will be as well.