Thursday, October 14, 2010

DLmail 10/14/2010 meet the team night

My return to DLmailing started off well several weeks ago. Then I took a week off. Or two. Not because I wanted to, rather because I am gifted in laziness. I know, worst gift ever. But I claim it and work with it as best I can.

First things first. Thanks for serving God through Discoveryland. Our Saturday night numbers have been all over the board, from 20 to over 40 and up and down and all around. On the nights we have needed to give a leader a break (sometimes they get the runs), we have had enough people serving to send that "hypothetical" runs person home. Sorry I can't be more specific and just say "Kevin," but those HIPA laws are there for a reason. We have managed pretty well so far and I think we will soon be adjusted to the new flow and curriculum, which you can find here for this coming Saturday. If you find that you can't make it back on any given Sunday to attend the adult service, be sure to catch it here. In streaming video these days, remember?

Seriously, thank you for serving. You are part of a select few who sacrifice just a bit of each Saturday, but a really important bit.

We tend to rush so much at times and don't always get a chance to connect while at church. I know I often leave church and think about how I feel like I just didn't get a chance to talk to any grown ups, and I miss that. So with this DLmail, I am going to remind each of you who each other are. Keep in mind I have forgotten many key details and or simply don't know as much as I should, so I have taken some liberties with each bio.

Let's start at the top...GARY WEBB.
Gary is one of the 4 executive pastors at Northwoods and he has responsibility over our service area. Gary is the tallest of the executive pastors and is currently the biggest loser among the staff at church. Back in the day we used to see more of this gentle giant, however since his responsibilities within the church were broadened, we see him only in passing and by appointment. I don't even know where his new office is! He is still our go to guy though and without his Godly leadership, conventional wisdom says DL wouldn't be quite the same.

Jeannine hails from the piney woods of Loosiana and serves as the Discoveryland Associate Director (I think). Northwoods almost didn't get her after Uncle Gary allowed the volunteers to meet her during her interviewing process. Jeannine didn't think some certain facetious/sarcastic type volunteer liked her. She took the job anyway and now you can see her occasionally on Saturday nights, more on Sundays (yes, I am keeping track!!) Jeannine now rotates herself into the teaching in the Factory. This has been a clear reminder to us volunteers that she not only can talk the talk of ministry, but she walks it also. Her gift of administration is second only to her gift of teaching which is second only to her gift of kindness. Wait, can I second something twice? I guess kindness leads, teaching second, administration third. Whatever, we appreciate Jeannine despite her height.

Jake is pretty new to most of us. He is the reindeer that the other staff reindeer won't let play the reindeer games. He is too fit to enter. So while he gets to thrash certain staffers on the racquetball court, he will get last by default in the biggest loser game. Jake is one of those talented people (they usually are pathetically nonathletic, but Northwoods has a way of recruiting talented people who can actually throw a ball and are coordinated). His skills that I can see are musical, technical and teachical. He does it all well and the chicks dig him. He is also branching into my neck of the woods by exploring Chillicothe YFC Campus Life in his off hours.

Ladies next...AMY CROSE
Amy is a fellow Chillicothean of mine who serves as a small group leader. She has the claim-to-fame of being our only female small group leader this year. She is currently giving up a bit of the third Saturday each month. She should know that her pay will go up 75% should she decide to become an every-weeker. She is an avid traveler, taking her family to the *ends of the earth in search of adventure. *should be noted that ends of the earth means however far they can drive the camper before it gets dark on a Friday, leaving only after school lets out and with the ability to return prior to 11AM on Sundays to catch the NFL games.

Tim is the most rotational of rotational leaders currently. He got it in his contract this year that he will be there when his schedule permits. So we haven't seen him a ton this year. Like just once so far. But we love having him when we can. He is a gifted leader of kids. He is also my go to guy whenever my nuclear powered furnace or submarine break down. Yep, you probably can't tell by the white lab coat he never wears to church, but he is a bonafide nuclear engineer, phd. and all.

Em, as some call him, hails all the way from Dunlap and is in his second year as a small group leader. Rumor has it that Em is my wife's little brother. But as Christians we don't dabble in rumor, so just stop. Em is also the only current Chillicothe JFL Seniors coach serving in the Factory on Saturday nights. I think. Em's favorite color is black and blue and he enjoys moonlit walks during midday.

I know Joe the least, so it will be much easier to make stuff up about him. Doug Oberhelman was just appointed to the job I thought Joe was supposed to move into at CAT recently (blah, blah, blah). So, I am only kind of sure that leaves Joe as the #2 at work. What I know FOR sure is that Joe is a kind and warm guy who nurtures the kids we lead with more kindness than most anyone I know. He is perfectly suited for serving in DL. No doubt. When I think "I'm going to grab that little snot by the neck and...," Joe simply scootches over and sits by the little talker and quiets him down. Go figure. We like that Joe moved up to the Factory.

Kevin is my man. I always know he has my back. It is good to have that kind of guy around. So I will enjoy it while I can, because we just don't know how long we will have Kevin around. You see, Kevin's hobby is stunt riding on sport bikes. He has seen 300km on a bike before. That is 180mph to you non-elitist who haven't driven the autobahn. I think he has seen 138mph whilst riding a wheelie. So I cherish every moment with him I get and I worry that I won't be able to lift my corner of his coffin when the time comes because I am so lazy anymore and never work out. He is also extremely gifted and can connect with ANY kid. Hard ones, easy ones. You name it. Ever wonder why my son Josh is always in our room? Look no farther than that shiny beacon we call Kevin's bald head. Kids dig Kevin.

Dang, just ran out of MB's on this blog entry. Simply put, I ain't nothing to brag about. Sad but true. **Facetious and **sarcastic don't get you far. Look where I am.

Speaking of that(?), Joe let me know a couple of weeks ago that he has to miss this weekend (Oct. 16th). Kudos for giving advance notice. Amy will join us as we serve. Don't be surprised if I show up in long pants and a dark shirt (my work uniform). Don't have to work after church, but have to make an appearance at my, gulp, 25th high school reunion. **That will be fun.

This video, on the other hand, is *totally *serious.

What you can't see is that she holds up 2 fingers when she says 3 minutes. Classic.

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