Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Thanks for the Memories

My only regret is that this song is not longer so that I could include even more photos of my favorite people. Actually I have another regret that Windows Movie Maker degraded the quality of the pics to make the file smaller. So two regrets. Well, maybe also that I accidentally put one photo in the slideshow twice by mistake, kind of ruining the whole thing for me (too lazy to fix it). Make the regrets an even three.


Angie @ KEEP BELIEVING said...

This guy gives William Hung a run for his money. I think my eardrums are bleeding.

And the EVEN THREE comment has me twitching a bit. I may lose sleep over the mere thought of the oxymoron.


Sheri Byrne said...

this is NOT to make anyone feel old...with that said...some of the kids in some of the pictures are now sophomores now in Reality (high school ministry)...look at the legacy you are leaving!!

and the picture you posted twice i think deserved a second posting!

Rick said...

Elvis sightings are rare, I guess a second look was OK, but it didn't really fit in the second to last spot. An oxyMORON must have made the slideshow.