Tuesday, September 22, 2009

DLmail 9/22/2009 welcome Joshua

We haven't had a baby born to a small group leader in several years. I believe Renee was our last and she pulled out all the stops and had three in about three years. That is a record that Kevin and Monica can shoot for. The Stewarts welcomed Joshua into this world last week. He is a big, healthy boy and everything went well concerning his delivery. He is home now with his proud parents and someday you all will get to meet him personally at church. Congratulations Stewart family!

We managed with just 4 leaders last weekend, with Amy doing a fine job taking Monica's group and I will give kudos to myself for not totally screwing up the 4th graders I took. Pam and Tim did an awesome job with their small groups and the night was a great success. Keith programmed, taught and lead worship without missing a beat. Goofy Gary even showed. I planned to post a pic of him, but the threats of physical violence seemed all too real so I decided to not post it.

This weekend we will have Timberly stepping up to lead the 5th grade girls for Monica. I'll be there for Kevin. If anyone else must miss, please let me know.

This weekend we continue our study, The Word on Wisdom. Wisdom (finding out what you should do and doing it) is our virtue for one more week. The small group leader info can be found by clicking here. Please notice that the date for our material says September 19/20 for the second time. Just be sure you are using the pages 12-13 with the Bible story Benefits of Wisdom, Proverbs 22:3. Our memory verse remains, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6. If you would like to catch Cal's main stage message from last weekend, click here.

The truck dock bucks seem to be a mild success so far. The kids seem motivated to get them. Remember, they can earn up to 6 bucks per week. They can earn one for doing each of the following: 1) attending 2) bringing a Bible 3) bringing a visitor 4) memorizing the month's verse and 5) returning their completed Livin' It. More than one buck can be given for bringing friends, but remember, no more than 6 per night....EXCEPT... you can offer a one time larger payout of 10 bucks for memorizing the books of the Old &/or New Testaments in the correct order. Something for the kids to shoot for. If I did it as a kid, anyone can do it.

Thank you all for selflessly giving up your Saturday evenings for these kids. I know there are a lot of other things you could be doing, but appreciate your willingness to make serving God with these kids in the factory your priority. Besides, I have said it before and will say it again, church is out by 7:15pm. You don't have to give up much to serve. If you know of anyone who may want to join us on a regular weekly basis, we sure could use another gifted woman to take a small group of girls.

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