Thursday, April 2, 2009

DLmail 4/2/2009 free for all

Last Saturday we saw pretty large numbers of kids at church. Realizing we were outnumbered, we let them run wild, sort of. A week off after a very solid month with the virtue of Hope. The Hope lessons were really great and I believe that all the kids (and adults) learned so much during the month. So we ended with a fun night, injury free, no puke...all good.

Now we get down to some heavy stuff again with our new virtue, Conviction - standing for what is right even when others don't. The Easter story fits so well with this virtue and we'll begin with the lesson The Darkest Hour (Jesus' arrest, trial, and cruxifiction) found in Luke 22:39-71, 23:1-26, 34-36, 44-49. Our memory verse for the month is 2 Thessalonians 3:13 "Never tire of doing what is right." The bottom line...when you stand for what is right, you may feel like you're alone. Cal delivered another message in the Storm Shelter series last weekend, click here to listen.

This weekend we'll see Kevin & Monica, Tim, myself and maybe one other leader. The following weekend is Easter. We have DL as usual. The big question is how that weekend holiday will affect our numbers on a Saturday night. No idea myself, could go either way...either way we kind of need to know who will be serving. Please email me and advise (
Now is the part of this post where I should put something clever, entertaining, enlightening, etc. However, I seriously have nothing. If anything interesting has happened recently, I have forgotten it. Pam and I did get out of the house together on Monday for the FCA luncheon featuring AZ Cardinals QB Kurt Warner. Our table host was fellow DL leader Kathy Arkwell. I would say more about it but pretty much everyone that reads this blog was in attendance. I just thought it was cool that Kurt took the opportunity to mention my name as he spoke. Did you hear it?

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