Kevin Elder and Rick Rogy taught as a team on Saturday. A lot of last minute changes went into the teaching and as it turned out, Kevin ended up playing several roles himself. My personal favorite was the Red Hat Lady (below is a pic, taken telephoto, without a flash, so it is blurry, oh how I wish it were clear). Next week the teach time will address why Mr. Kevin is on stage as a woman about 50% of the time. Another interesting lesson as the kids learned about the incredible, often unimaginable powers of God. There was a bit of a cancer stack in the room as Pam had her little friend Lexi on her lap. Both are cancer patients currently in treatment. Lexi wondered out loud if God has enough power to heal them. Yes He does.
This weekend we continue learning about the virtue of Hope (believing that something good can come out of something bad). Your small group info can be found by clicking here. Our memory verse remains the same, Romans 8:28 "We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him." Our Bible story is The Last Supper - Jesus' last supper with the disciples, Luke 22:7-23; John 13:33-38. The bottom line is - whatever happens, remember what Jesus did for you. For part two of Cal's mainstage message (Is there really a God, and can I really know him?), click here. I am expecting to see Monica, Tim and Caleb (?) this weekend. Be sure to devote plenty of prayer to your ministry this week.
Why do you have to look like such a dolt when you turn 40? To understand better why I ask this question, click here.
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