Saturday, January 3, 2009

Contest Results

Wow, what a great response to my last DLmail. I had roughly six responses. The prize question was "Name the location of the two wintry pics." Our winner, guessing one of the two...Sammy Waller. Sammy has lived in our area for 4 months, hailing from sunny Ft. Lauderdale, FL. He has rarely seen snow, but quickly replied with the location of pic #2, the Illinois River at the foot of Walnut St. in Chillicothe. No one registered a guess on the icicle laden lamp, which strikes me as odd considering who I send these blog updates to. Don't you people ever look up?

The non-prize question garnered the most responses. Thanks for letting me know the song's artist and title. The winner(s) of the non-contest-non-prize question with the reply Clocks by Coldplay...Rachel White (with confirmation from musically inclined Keith Lindgren). Second place, sharped eyed Sammy Waller, third belongs to my man Kevin Stewart, fourth goes to Sheri Byrne, and fifth goes to a very late entry (like 11:00am today) submitted in person at Geiger True Value Hardware by my farming buddy Russ Jackson. Russ surprised me with his knowledge of all things Coldplay. Man I am out of it I guess.

Sammy and Sheri will both be receiving free subscriptions to my blog. Why Sheri? While being the fourth responder, she actually responded in the comment section of the blog. Gotta appreciate that. Too bad she didn't take a stab at the picture questions.

Sammy will also be receiving a one way plane ticket to the time of his life. Doesn't this look fun! Pack extra undies. (Thanks Rick Byrne for turning me on to this afterschool activity). You have to watch the entire video. These dudes are insane.

wingsuit base jumping from Ali on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Sammy Waller said...

I would be honored to pass this great prize along to Gary Webb.