Friday, January 30, 2009
Pam on the phone
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
DLmail 1/27/2009 Pure Joy Bean Spill
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
DLmail 1/20/2009 Unmotivated
Friday, January 16, 2009
You have to be kidding!?!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
DriveBy Sho...veling
Real time at this house, just a touch over 5 min. Lots of driveways and sidewalks cleared. Lots of laughs. And some cold fingers and faces. Chillicothe Campus Life.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
DLmail 1/13/2009 Side Effects
Another side effect, Randy Wilcoxen. I first met Randy in DL as we prepared a little graduation program many years ago for the outgoing 5th graders. It was a love connection of the brotherly kind. Randy is a physician's assistant at Midwest ENT. Our Erin has a shotty history in the ear arena and when her doctor retired several years ago, my new DL friend Randy was there to take over. He has checked on Erin at church and in his home. She had a horrible night last night with a raging infection in her right ear and a quick email and a cell phone call got her in and wha-la, she is feeling better already. Cool side effect of serving. (And yes, this is the only pic I could find of Randy today...sorry)
I don't know if any of you have ever heard of a side effect called Dr. Kathy Arkwell or not. She has only fixed the teeth of about half of the population of Peoria under the age of 35. She has also been a faithful DL servent since forever. We first met Kathy when she spoke to our DLer's about her dad. The timing was interesting as it was 2004, our bad year. When concerns arose regarding Josh's orthodontic work a couple years ago, Kathy stepped in and took such good care of him (and his sister and their parents), we were humbled beyond humble.
The list of side effects are numerous. DL fellow leader Kevin Stewart has become my personal counselor. DL team leader Susan Rychener prays for Pam like none other and is always in touch with her, encouraging her. DL staffer Rachel White has been with us the whole time, from feeding us breakfast in the hospital in 05, to watching our name it. Another fellow DL leader (Dr.) Monica Stewart gave Pam some much needed input regarding the rehab of her left arm just Saturday evening. DL leader and teacher (& attorney) Kevin Elder is practically on retainer, totally watching Pam's back and letting her know it. DL staffer Keith Lindgren was waiting by the phone to help when Pam was last in the hospital. The captain of DL, Gary, and his first mate Jeannine are always there for us. I could go on and on. I could list side effects from years past. I could list for a long, long time. But you get my drift.
Serving in DL has produced a return for us (and may I add that in review of what I am writing I am feeling a wee bit guilty that we take so much without giving...maybe someday). I/we have seen firsthand the blessing of service in Discoveryland at Northwoods (notice I didn't even go into the blessing of the kids and the relationships and the witnessing of changed lives there, that is a whole other post). My point here was, uh, I forgot...too wordy.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Pam got out of bed from 1/15/2005
Pam just said she wants to come up with a way to line a purse with a plastic bag so she doesn't have to carry a bucket around church with her. Looks like we have a little project this afternoon.
Hope you are all well. I notice that Fargo and Winnepeg are going to be -20 and -30 respectively tonight. Bet you all wish you were here where we will be way warmer at zero. I also noticed that Miami will dip into the 60's and the Orlando area will be in the 50's. I hope you guys will be OK down there. You could get quite chilled.
About Pam from 12/17/2004
Easter greetings with pics 4/14/2004
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
DLmail 1/6/09 Another Song To Name
It was three weeks since I had been in DL, one weekend off for Christmas, then out of town one. It felt good to get back in there. Kevin, Monica and Tim did a great job small grouping. Our numbers were into the 30's again, so I was small grouping as well. Notice I didn't say I did a great job leading my small group. Really, I am much better utilized when I do mundane tasks, but I didn't have much of a choice. At least I didn't have to wear a hardhat. Keith's looked about right, Kevin looked like a gearhead, and Tim's...Tim's head is ginormous (or the hat was too small). Monica, I missed your photo op, but may I say you looked great in your hat.
From this month on, I am betting our numbers will steadily grow. With the exception of this coming weekend, we have four of us scheduled each night in January. That is OK until we start having over 40 kids. Do any of you know any former Wednesday nighters who might want to serve on Saturdays? We really need some help. Really. Direct any people you think might want to join us to Jeannine. Guilt them if you have, don't do that, that would be wrong...I guess it would be better to just turn kids away.
Keith kicked off the month with the new virtue Resourcefulness, right after Kevin kicked off the new year with a little kickball action.
I know there used to be a rule about balls in the factory, but the Nerf people totalled screwed up this ball. It is so porous that it hardly gets lift and it doesn't have enough mass to fly anywhere near the tech equipment suspended above. The kids love it, so as long as Kevin keeps a close eye on the action and until Gary says to stop, well, let's just see what happens. Your small group info for this coming Saturday can be found by clicking here. The lesson is titled Ant Thinking and the Bible story is The Ant and the Sluggard, Prov. 6:6-11. Our memory verse remains Col. 3:23 (C323) "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." The bottom line, and it is a good one, work hard even when no one's watching. If you missed Cal's mainstage message last weekend click here.
No one ever guessed the location of the lamp with the icicles picture from last week. It is the lamp located on the wall next to the door we all walk in to get to church each week. Sorry it was such a tough one. Here is an easy one, and I can't believe I am going to post it, but I owe it to my new friend who lives in Mumbai, India. His name is Aneesh. If you click his name (and this comes with a warning, just like a lot of Youtube sites, you might not want to look for profanity, because you'll find it), it takes you to his Youtube page. Notice his number 1 favorite video on Youtube. This 15 sec. video (below) has been favorited one time (I assume it's Aneesh) and it has been rated once (5 stars, my guess is it was Aneesh as well). He posted a comment with a simple plea, hey wadz de name of the song? Sadly, I can't reply, because I have no idea. It just came on the radio when Josh and I were racing around in that incredible BMW Alpina B7 in July. The music moved me, I danced, and the rest is history. So, the contest is on again. What is the name of the song in this video and who sings it? (This is so painful)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Contest Results
The non-prize question garnered the most responses. Thanks for letting me know the song's artist and title. The winner(s) of the non-contest-non-prize question with the reply Clocks by Coldplay...Rachel White (with confirmation from musically inclined Keith Lindgren). Second place, sharped eyed Sammy Waller, third belongs to my man Kevin Stewart, fourth goes to Sheri Byrne, and fifth goes to a very late entry (like 11:00am today) submitted in person at Geiger True Value Hardware by my farming buddy Russ Jackson. Russ surprised me with his knowledge of all things Coldplay. Man I am out of it I guess.
Sammy and Sheri will both be receiving free subscriptions to my blog. Why Sheri? While being the fourth responder, she actually responded in the comment section of the blog. Gotta appreciate that. Too bad she didn't take a stab at the picture questions.
Sammy will also be receiving a one way plane ticket to the time of his life. Doesn't this look fun! Pack extra undies. (Thanks Rick Byrne for turning me on to this afterschool activity). You have to watch the entire video. These dudes are insane.
wingsuit base jumping from Ali on Vimeo.