Tuesday, September 1, 2009

DLmail 9/1/2009 whale tail

There are whale tails.
Then there are cool whale tails.
Then, of course, there are the dreaded whale tails (or remnants of such in this case).
Why am I bringing this up? Well, Discoveryland is set to kick off another fantastic season for us September thru May volunteers. We need to break the old habits of the summer and get back into the groove of serving these eager 4th and 5th graders in the Factory. So team, join me as I put my thong in storage, and dress in a non-revealing fashion as we lead these kids.

Our team is kind of set, I think. I have to admit I have really taken a break this summer. A couple connections with Kevin Stewart and Kevin Elder have been about the extent of my DL involvement recently. As we draw close to beginning I will tell you who I think is joining us this year (and we will need everyone...I predict big numbers with the incoming 4th grade class). Rick & Pam Lingenfelter, Kevin & Monica Stewart (Monica may be with us later rather than sooner considering the baby on board that is pretty much ready to pop out any minute now), Zach Van Buren, Tim Thorson, Timberly Miller, Amy Crose...uh, uh, seems like I am missing some names...I really took the summer off.

We kick things off this weekend with all large group activities. No small groups to prepare for, just show and reacclimate yourselves to serving. I really look forward to seeing you all. Remember, dress appropriately, bring your H1N1 face mask, and get ready to have a great time. It is expected that on the nights you serve you can arrive by 5:15pm. This will be an important time for us adults to connect, pray, and prepare. We will have kids arriving beginning at 5:30 each week, so you can see the importance of being there 15 min. prior. Each week I will give you a link to the small group material on Monday so you can prepare throughout the week. Concentrate on the Scripture. Use it in your small group time. Use your gifts to the keep conversation going in the right direction. Put great priority on praying with your small group. You just might be the only person praying for/with them each week. We should all try to connect with our small group kids occasionally through mail or in person outside of the church setting. Find out what they are up to and maybe try to make their football game to watch them play or cheer. I have loved bumping into DL kids in this way. We see them all the time at baseball games in the summer. You get my drift.

One major, major difference for all of this year will be the absence of "born to work with kids" Rachel White. Rachel was called to take a teaching position at Lincoln Grade School (in E.P.) this fall, where she will have an impact on an entirely new set of little heads and hearts. Lucky kids. All my favorite Nwoods staffers get "calls" eventually, drives me nuts, but I understand (still don't have to like it). Rachel, we will all miss you. We all are thankful for the time you spent with our kids and for your friendship through the years.

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