We sent our kids back to school a little over a month ago. That was soon followed by the return of Discoveryland. A full 4 weekends of DL have passed. I am making an attempt to keep all the Saturday nighters connected by returning to publishing the DLmail. Of course, I am doing this now, but soon, we may have no kids even coming. Our technological world you know. For instance...
I will no longer attend church in person. Made that decision today when I dialed up the link to last weekend's grown-up service. Click here to get my drift. The September 25/26 message is now available in video form. As I watched Garland in vivid streaming color and almost stereo sound, it hit me. Now that I can hear AND see the service on my computer, I just might stay home. I can eat and drink while I watch. I can hit pause when I need to evac...take a break. Kids, the future is here! Text me or email me so that we can connect. Pic message me every once in a while so I can SEE how you are doing. Get this up and running in DL and we won't have to worry about finding enough people to serve.
Speaking of serving, thanks to you all who serve on Saturday night. Sorry if it seems like we haven't really hit our stride yet with the new lesson plans and the timing of the service flow. Do you agree? Click here for a digital copy of the Oct. 2nd plans. My concerns over not having enough leaders, in particular female leaders, is becoming less. The new flow lends itself to less small group time from what I can see. And so far, with the exception of the 9/11 service, we haven't had any small group time to speak of. So far, our leaders who have committed to coming each week are Kevin, Em and Joe. Amy has committed to the 3rd Saturday of each month and Tim will be there when he can. If you know of anyone interested in serving, let me know. If it's a man, ask him if his wife is interested in serving. Really, we have 1000 lbs.+ of men serving (even more if we throw in Josh) and a little over a 100 lbs. of women. We either need to enlist more females or put a push on the video version of Discoveryland. Just saying.
The October memory verse (maybe you are familiar with it): The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Psalm 23:1-3
Pray for the kids and this ministry throughout this week as you prepare to serve this Saturday.