It has caused a certain amount of trouble for me, making work a little trickier. It has also squashed my creativity concerning this DLmail. So don't get as crazy excited as you usually do when you read it. Here is what you need to know.
You need to know that Kevin Stewart is Ironman. He showed up at church last Saturday, 5 days out from having double carpal tunnel surgery. He wasn't doing cartwheels or anything, but he was there serving. Like I said, Ironman. Oh, and Kevin, I have your small group stuff. You left it on the counter.
Jeannine taught the week before last. She doesn't teach very often, but when she does she knocks your socks off. What a great teacher she is. She also has led worship for the past couple weeks. What a great teacher she is. :-) j.k.
Kevin Elder taught last week and of course did a fine job. He brought his little helper Ben, who didn't actually help. Rather he hung out with my little helper Josh, who didn't seem to be helping either. But they did manage to play some extreme bago with each other and laugh a lot.
Em and Pam have been doing their usual best. Em even ended up on stage with myself, Kevin and Kevin. Never has the stage looked prettier than with us four guys and a bunch of footballs on it.
Amy (pic not available), our sole surviving rotational leader, came on just the right night. She even brought her little helper Craig, who I caught actually helping, specifically working the room looking for kids that were alone or seemed disconnected. Nice work Mr. Observer. Amy gave the girls that I have led too often this year a much needed womanly presence. Hope they aren't too bummed when they return this week and find me or Tim sitting with them.
So this week, we will continue with the Discipline virtue, doing what you need to do now so you can grow stronger. Memory verse remains 2 Timothy 3:16, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching..." Our Bible story is "Peter states who Jesus is" and is found in Matthew 16:13-17.
MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT...Rick will miss DL on Jan. 30th. Also missing will be Pam. Tim will be here this week, but on the 30th he is scheduled to be gone. You do the math 5 minus three leaves two...Em and Kevin. Needless to say I will be looking for help for them. Jeannine is aware of this perfect storm on the horizon. Pray that we can find some folks willing to serve that weekend.